The nopal contains a high amount of fiber, calcium and vitamins, which is beneficial for health. Its ability to lower both glucose levels and triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, has made this wonderful cactus very popular among people who suffer from diabetes or are at risk of suffering it.

It has been used medicinally, mainly in Mexico, since ancient times, because 30% of soluble fiber that contains decreases the absorption of glucose, that is the speed with which sugars reach the bloodstream. For the cactus to make these effects in us, we must know that we have to consume it regularly. The good thing about this food is that it is so versatile that we can include it in our diet in different ways: in juice, roast, in salads etc.

The best way to take it is in juice and if you mix it with some other fruit or vegetable, like our Rancho Natura juices, you will have better benefits.

We must remember that although this cactus is a great ally to control blood glucose levels, it is also necessary to change our eating habits for better results, as well as perform some type of exercise.