The plants and flowers decorate with elegance and beauty our homes, In Rancho Natura we have all kinds of plants and crops that we use to do different things like for example nopal juice. Here are the great health benefits of having plants at home.

Purify the air

Through the process of photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the environment and transform it into oxygen, which complements the respiratory process of humans, who use oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Thus, our green friends improve the quality of the air that we have inside our home.

Help us breathe better

The plants provide moisture to the environment, which is very beneficial to reduce levels of dryness and dust particles in our home. In this way, respiratory problems such as cough can be avoided.

Fight Depression

Just as having pets helps those facing a depressive disorder, being in the care of plants provides a purpose, something very useful for those who face episodes of depression. Watering the plants, fertilizing them and seeing them sprout or bloom is an extremely therapeutic process.

Reduce noise

Many of our plants act as a screen against exterior and interior noises, especially in small, enclosed spaces. In this way, they help us to reduce the noise level by drowning the sounds.

Availability of spices for food and natural remedies

Although we have a very small space, it is always possible to find a corner near the window or some place with enough light to plant and let grow plants that we can use to season our meals, such as basil, as well as plants we can use to make remedies Natural, such as rosemary and aloe.

Plants help reduce stress

In our process of evolution as human beings, we develop in a natural environment surrounded by abundant plants. Modern life often limits us and isolates us from the vegetation, which can alter our natural balance. The presence of them gives us a relaxing atmosphere, especially if we watch them develop, grow and bloom.

Knowing all these enormous benefits of having plants near us, what do you expect to incorporate plants in your home ?; And if you already have them, we hope you will continue to take good care of them.
We invite you to try our 100% organic nopal juice. Http://