Maybe because it promotes healthy weight, because it is very nutritious or because it helps us maintain a beautiful skin and free of imperfections.

Whether roasted, cooked, in a smoothie or salad, the nopal is one of the most consumed foods in Mexico.

Among my favorites is the organic juice of cactus, and if my mood is sweeter, I prefer the nopal with pineapple. Besides being rich in iron and other minerals, it is good with my digestive system, not to mention its spectacular flavor.

From this plant the pulp is consumed as well as its fruit, called tuna. But, do you know what it does for your body? Here we tell you.

Healthy weight

The ability of the cactus to normalize and lower blood sugar and lipids, is obtained mainly by the high fiber content, but also by its detoxifying properties that help us, among other things, to purify the body.

Soluble fiber is ideal for combating overweight and reducing those extra kilos, as it improves intestinal transit, in addition to keeping us satiated for longer.

Nutritional properties

It has a high water content, in addition to being full of minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and small amounts of iron and aluminum. It is also rich in fiber, vitamins and chlorophyll.

It is a very valuable food to improve health, being a source of nutrients that balance the immune system, glandular, nervous, circulatory, respiratory and digestive.

Skin free of imperfections

Thanks to its high content of mucilages and cellulose, it helps to level the pH, which means that it helps the skin stay in an exact point, that it does not reach the degree of looking greasy, but it does not dry out either; skin moisturized but dull.

Did you know that the fiber that contains the nopal traps more fat than other types of fibers?