Previously we had already told you that we love cactus for its functional properties; and is that whether roasted, cooked, liquefied or in salad, is one of the most consumed foods in Mexico. In addition to its nutritional properties, it has positive effects on health, being one of the foods with the highest calcium content.
The method of preparation does not influence the benefits it brings to our body, as long as it is consumed in its natural state. With its peculiar flavor, it has begun to conquer international cuisines as well as the hearts of vegetarians and vegans in the world.
So that you also love the nopal like us, we bring you 8 curiosities that you probably did not know about this magical food.
1. For those who love exercise
Provides proteins of plant origin that are vital to maintain and develop muscles. It is also an excellent option for those who are vegetarians or vegans.

2. Detox par excellence
Being a diuretic food, helps regulate the liquids that accumulate in our body, so it is a very good ingredient if you are thinking of starting a diet soon.

3. Antibiotic properties
This quality is related to the acid metabolism of plants, which, in cacti, inhibits or suspends the growth of several bacterial species.

4. Fiber source
As a fibrous plant, the nopal contains pectin, mucilage and gums that are beneficial to the digestive system. In addition to helping reduce blood cholesterol levels.

5. Improves the health of the skin
The antioxidants that the cactus has, along with its numerous phytochemicals, are an excellent defense against free radicals, which cause premature aging of the skin.

6. Healthy weight
A cup of prickly pear contributes between 14 and 15 calories, so its consumption can rise without fear of gaining weight. Due to its insoluble fiber, it is a food that provides satiety, which helps to reduce food consumption and promote weight loss.

7. Glucose control
It is an aid in the control of Diabetes, because it increases insulin sensitivity and balances blood sugar levels.

8. It improves the immune system
It helps in turn to relax the body, to achieve better moods and can even help to eradicate problems of depression or emotional imbalances.


Now that you know this, do not you love it too? We invite you to try our Organic Juice of nopal Rancho Natura, and enjoy its many benefits.